REALST 062 3 Units
Real Estate Practice
This course covers the practical techniques of operating a real estate business. Emphasis on daily activities of brokers and salesperson; introduction to appraising, exchanges, listings, advertising, financing, and marketing. Exchanges, specialized brokerage, property management, professional and public relations.
REALST 063 3 Units
Real Estate Loan Processing Fundamentals
This course covers loan processing, specifically the mechanics of mortgage lending with emphasis on ethical practices.
REALST 068 3 Units
Real Estate Appraisal: Residential
This course addresses the purpose of appraisals, appraisal process, and the different methods, approaches, and techniques used to determine the value of various types of property. Successful completion of this course meets elective qualification for salesperson or broker licensing approval.
REALST 070 3 Units
Real Estate Finance
This course surveys the concepts, methods, and techniques of financing residential and non-residential real estate while also identifying and analyzing the various instruments used for such purposes. Instruction covers sources, characteristics, and parameters of mortgage capital; fixed, variable rate, and other alternative types of mortgages; government-assisted financing (such as VA, FHA, and SBA); the secondary mortgage market; mathematical analysis of finance transactions (amortization, loan constants, present and future value, compound interest, APR, capitalization rates, debt coverage, and other financial ratios and ways of determining yield); loan underwriting, processing, closing, and servicing; foreclosures and alternatives thereto (such as short sales) and related antideficiency law issues; guaranties; and leasehold financing; impact of how title is held and real estate tax effects; comparison of investment choices, both before and after taxes are factored in; plus syndication and other equity sharing issues. Successful completion of this course meets elective qualification for salesperson or broker licensing approval.
REALST 074 3 Units
Legal Aspects of Real Estate
This course is an overview of California real property law and its influence on various aspects of the real estate industry. The course examines the legal issues surrounding real estate ownership and transfer, contracts, rights and duties of ownership, conveyance issues, mortgages and deeds of trust, easements, government control and powers, escrow and title insurance, zoning, landlord and tenant problems, real estate brokerage and agency relationships, and agency ethics. This course applies toward education requirement of California Broker’s Examination.
REALST 076 3 Units
Property Management
This course provides an overview of property management fundamentals for the real estate professional, individual owner, or real estate student. Property types covered include office, retail, industrial, condominium, and apartment buildings. Responsibilities of the property manager/owner will be studied, including tenant relations, landlord/tenant law, leasing/renting, human resources, office administration, insurance, financial statements/budgets, building maintenance, vendor services, and property management as a career. This course applies towards the educational requirements for the California State Broker's Examination.
REALST 078 3 Units
Real Estate Economics
This course provides students with a basic understanding of economic factors that affect residential, commercial, industrial, rural and special purpose real estate. The focus is on financing and government policy; urban development and renewal; regulation of land use; business and real estate cycles and mortgage markets and their impact on real estate and investment opportunities. This course satisfies the California Department of Real Estate (DRE) requirement that students pass a college-level Real Estate Economics course prior to taking the Real Estate Broker License Exam. It can also count as the optional course that students must pass prior to taking the California Real Estate Salesperson License Exam.
REALST 080 3 Units
Escrow Procedures
This course provides students with a real-life application of the steps in a real estate sale including completing and reviewing the California Association of Realtors (C.A.R.) Joint Purchase Agreement and Escrow Instructions, reviewing the Preliminary Report and solving title problems, learning lenders' closing requirements and the recording process, and balancing and figuring the settlement of the closing funds. Applies toward the State's elective educational requirements for the Real Estate Salesperson license and toward the requirements for the broker's examination.
REALST 100 3 Units
Real Estate Principles
This course includes the fundamentals of real estate including the basic laws and principles of California real estate. This includes the background and terminology necessary for advanced study of real estate. The successful completion of this course meets qualifications for sales person or broker licensing exam.
REALST 601 Noncredit
Real Estate Exam Preparation: CA Licensing
This noncredit course is designed to prepare the student for the State of California Department of Real Estate (DRE) licensing examination. In the course, many real estate topics are covered in examination format. The following topics will be covered: real and personal property acquisition, ownership, estates in real property, joint tenancies, partnerships, sales contracts, homesteads, deeds and taxes. methods of financing, real estate practices, and regulation of the real estate business.