ANTHRO 100 3 Units
Introduction to Archaeology
This course introduces archaeology, its methods and contributions, in an anthropological context. Topics in this course include cultural resource management, seriation, interpretation of finds, and selected case studies.
ANTHRO 102 3 Units
Cultural Anthropology
This course is an introduction to the anthropological study of human diversity and culture. Cultural anthropologists study human organization, expression, subsistence, communication, belief, and identity, in relation to social inequalities and culture change.
ANTHRO 102H 3 Units
Cultural Anthropology - Honors
This course is an introduction to the anthropological study of human diversity and culture. Cultural anthropologists study human organization, expression, subsistence, communication, belief, and identity, in relation to social inequalities and culture change. This course is intended for students in the Honors Program, but is open to all students who desire more challenging course work.
ANTHRO 103 3 Units
Anthropology of Food
This course studies food from a holistic anthropological perspective. It examines production and consumption of food around the world and across time, and it investigates the variability of the cultural meanings and ecological roles of particular food resources and practices.
ANTHRO 106 3 Units
Biological Anthropology
This course introduces concepts and methods used to study the human species in a scientific, evolutionary framework. Topics covered include evolutionary theory, genetics, the fossil record of human ancestors, comparative primatology, human variation, and interactions between biology and culture.
ANTHRO 106H 3 Units
Biological Anthropology - Honors
This course introduces concepts and methods used to study the human species in a scientific, evolutionary framework. Topics covered include evolutionary theory, genetics, the fossil record of human ancestors, comparative primatology, human variation, and interactions between biology and culture. This course is intended for students in the Honors Program but is open to all students who desire more challenging course work.
ANTHRO 106L 1 Unit
Biological Anthropology Laboratory
This laboratory course is offered as a supplement to Biological Anthropology (ANTHRO 106 or ANTHRO 106H) either taken concurrently or in a subsequent term. Laboratory exercises are designed to introduce students to the scientific method and explore genetics, human variation, human and non-human primate anatomy and behavior, the primate and hominin fossil record, and other resources to investigate processes that affect human evolution. ANTHRO 108 3 Units
Introduction to Native American Studies
This course provides an introduction to the field of Native American Studies. It emphasizes the agency, struggles, and social justice efforts of Native Americans in the United States. Topics covered include Native cultural and intellectual traditions; racialization and intersectionality; antiracism and decolonization; and the relationship between Western scientific practices and Native American experiences. (This course is also offered as ETHS 108) ANTHRO 109 3 Units
Visual Culture and Art
This course explores approaches to visual culture and art in the discipline of anthropology. Included in the course is a survey of diverse visual and artistic practices, study of the relations between power and sight, and introduction to the methods of visual anthropology.
ANTHRO 111 3 Units
The Anthropology of Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion
This course introduces the study of beliefs and practices, past and present, associated with magic, witchcraft, and religion. Topics examined include ritual, symbolism, altered states of consciousness, and healing, as well as syncretism, change, and the social roles of these beliefs and practices. (Formerly ANTHRO 110)
ANTHRO 111H 3 Units
The Anthropology of Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion - Honors
This course introduces the study of beliefs and practices, past and present, associated with magic, witchcraft, and religion. Topics examined include ritual, symbolism, altered states of consciousness, and healing, as well as syncretism, change, and the social roles of these beliefs and practices. This course is intended for students in the Honors Program but is open to all students who desire more challenging course work.
ANTHRO 125 3 Units
Language and Culture
This course provides a foundation for the study of language from an anthropological perspective. Topics studied fall into two main categories: the structure of language and the use of language in cultural contexts. Topics include language ideologies, speech communities, and the relation between culture and language.
ANTHRO 222 1-3 Units
Independent Study in Anthropology
Students with previous coursework in anthropology may do assigned projects involving research and analysis of selected topics. This independent study is for students who are interested in furthering their knowledge of anthropology. Prior to registration, a written contract must be prepared jointly by the instructor and the student.
ANTHRO 223 1-3 Units
Independent Study in Anthropology - Guided Research
Students with previous coursework in anthropology may do assigned projects involving research and analysis of selected topics. This independent study is for students who are interested in furthering their knowledge of anthropological research and analysis. Prior to registration, a written contract must be prepared jointly by the instructor and the student.