Course Descriptions

Each course entry in this catalog includes the course number, title, prerequisite, a brief description, the number of semester units, and the number of hours the course meets based on a 17- week semester. The course entries also include information about how the course credit applies to associate degrees and transfer to The California State University and University of California systems.

  • Courses numbered from 600 through 699 are noncredit and do not receive any type of college credit.
  • Courses numbered from 001 through 099 are generally applicable to certificate and associate degree programs.
  • Courses numbered from 100 through 299 are generally applicable for associate degrees and baccalaureate degrees conferred by universities.
    • Courses that are designated CSU transfer to CSU campuses system wide.
    • Courses designated UC are approved by the UC Office of the President as comparable to courses offered at UC. Courses with *UC notation indicate that some credit limitation applies. UC limits credit on courses that are similar in nature or taken after a higher-level course(s). To access information on SBVC courses that transfer to UC, go to
    • Although courses may be indicated in the catalog as transferable to UC and/or CSU, they may or may not meet general education or major preparation. Students who plan to transfer to UC or CSU should consult with a counselor and research the following websites:
  • Courses numbered from 900-999 are not applicable to associate degrees and generally do not transfer to four-year institutions.
  • Certain course entries include a symbol X and a number following the symbol, such as MUS 141X2. This symbol (X) indicates that this is a skill-based course and may be taken for credit more than once; the number following the symbol (X) indicates the number of times the course may be taken for credit.

Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

The Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID) is a statewide numbering system independent from the course numbers assigned by local California community colleges. A C-ID number next to a course signals that participating California colleges and universities have determined that courses offered by other California community colleges are comparable in content and scope to courses offered on their own campuses, regardless of their unique titles or local course number. Thus, if a schedule of classes or catalog lists a course bearing a C-ID number, for example COMM-110, students at that college can be assured that it will be accepted in lieu of a course bearing the C-ID COMM-110 designation at another community college. In other words, the C-ID designation can be used to identify comparable courses at different community colleges. However, students should always go to to confirm how each college’s course will be accepted at a particular four-year college or university for transfer credit.

The C-ID numbering system is useful for students attending more than one community college and is applied to many of the transferable courses students need as preparation for transfer. Course requirements may change, and courses may be modified and qualified for or deleted from the C-ID database, students should always check with a counselor to determine how C-ID designated courses fit into their educational plans for transfer.

Prerequisites, Corequisites, and Departmental Advisories

When registering for classes, students are required to adhere to enrollment policies that relate to prerequisites, corequisites, and departmental recommendations.

  1. prerequisite is a course or skill that must be met before a course is taken. Students registered in a class without having completed the prerequisite(s) may be dropped from the class. Prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or higher. Prerequisite courses completed with a grade of D or F indicate unsatisfactory performance in the course and do not satisfy the prerequisite;
  2. corequisite is a course that must be taken during the same semester as another course in which the student would like to enroll;
  3. departmental advisory is a suggested course that would be helpful for a student to have completed prior to enrolling. A departmental advisory is a suggestion, not a requirement.

Students may challenge a prerequisite or corequisite on one or more of the following grounds:

  1. The student can demonstrate they have the knowledge or ability to succeed in the course or program despite not having satisfied the prerequisite or corequisite;
  2. The student will be subject to undue delay in attaining their educational goal as outlined in their Student Education Plan (SEP) because the prerequisite or corequisite course has not been made reasonably available;
  3. The prerequisite or corequisite is discriminatory or is being applied in a discriminatory manner;
  4. The prerequisite or corequisite has not been established in accordance with the District’s process for establishing prerequisites and corequisites or was established in violation of Title 5.

It is the student’s responsibility to provide information to support the challenge. Challenges must be filed in the Division Office within the first week of class. The college will process the challenge within five (5) working days. For information on challenging a prerequisite, contact the Division Office at (909) 384-4404.

Course Repetition in a Non-Repeatable Course

Course repetition allows students to repeat classes under the following circumstances: (Title 5, Section 58161)

  1. The student is repeating the course to alleviate substandard work, which has been recorded on the student’s record (D, F, or NP). Courses in which a substandard evaluative symbol has been assigned may be repeated two times for a total of three enrollments. Students may attempt a course more than three times only upon approval through the college’s petition process (Title 5, section 55024).
  2. The course outline of record has been officially changed and demonstrates significant curricular changes. A Petition for Academic Exception is required.
  3. Repetition of courses where substandard work has not been recorded is permitted when such repetition is necessary for a student to meet a legally mandated training requirement as a condition of continued paid or volunteer employment.
  4. Significant lapse of time exception if the following conditions are met:
    • At least 36 months, or more if required be district policy, has elapsed since the student previously was assigned or awarded a grade in the course;
    • The student’s prior grade was a satisfactory grade (55000(w)); and either
      1. The course is required by the district as a properly established recency prerequisite (5503); or
      2. Another institution or higher education to which the student is seeking to transfer requires the student to have taken the course more recently than the student’s last enrollment.

Non-Degree Applicable Courses

Courses numbered in the 900s do not apply toward a degree, and are designed to provide the fundamental skills necessary for successful completion of other college courses. These include pre-collegiate courses in reading, writing, computation, learning skills, study skills, and English as a second-language. Non-degree applicable courses, including basic skills courses, are indicated in this catalog by numbers from 900 to 999.

In accordance with Title 5, Section 55758.5 (b), grades earned in non-degree applicable courses are not included when calculating a student's degree applicable grade point average. Students will not receive credit for more than thirty (30) units of basic skills course work taken in the San Bernardino Community College District. Basic skills coursework earned in another community college district will not be counted toward the 30-unit limit. Students enrolled in English as a second-language courses and students identified by the District for learning disabled programs are exempt from this 30-unit limit. Other students may apply for a waiver of the 30-unit limit. Please contact a counselor in the Counseling Center, (909)384-4404 and press zero (“0”) for more information about the waiver process.