Students who have been admitted to SBVC are eligible to apply to audit courses at the college. Students must meet all course prerequisites. It is the responsibility of the student to provide documentation that the prerequisite(s) has been satisfied. Auditing enrollment is permitted only on a space available basis. A student may enroll in a course for audit only if they have not enrolled in that course for credit during the same semester.
Students shall complete an audit application. Any instructor may refuse auditing without explanation. Credit students will always receive registration priority and space in the classroom over student(s) that are auditing the course. Once audit enrollment is completed, no student will be permitted to change their enrollment from audit to receive credit nor is a student permitted to change enrollment from credit to audit. The course audited cannot be used as a prerequisite.
The fee for auditing is $15 per unit. A student enrolled for credit in ten (10) or more semester credit units will not be charged a fee to audit three (3) or fewer units per semester. Students must also pay all mandatory student fees. Audited classes do not count towards units for financial aid, veteran’s benefits, full-time student status, or any other purpose. No refund will be permitted after enrollment per BP/AP 5033. Classroom attendance of students auditing a course shall not be included in computing the apportionment due to the District.