HUMSV 098  1-4 Units  
Human Services Work Experience Experience  

WRKEX: 300 contact hours

Supervised training, in the form of on the job employment that will enhance the student's knowledge in the selected field of study. The student's major and job must match. For paid work, 75 hours = 1 unit; for volunteer work, 60 hours = 1 unit. Students may earn a total of 16 units toward graduation in Work Experience 098 courses. See department for specific guidelines.
HUMSV 130  3 Units  
Introduction to Addiction Studies: Drugs, Health, and Society  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: READ 100 and ENGL 101 or ENGL 101H

This course provides an exploration of the psychological, sociological, and physical causes and effects of substance use disorder. Also included are overviews of the biopsychosocial nature of addiction; the impact of addiction on children, families and society; contemporary treatment and prevention approaches; and the addiction counseling profession.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

C-ID: PHS 103

HUMSV 131  3 Units  
Co-Occur Disorders  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: READ 100 and ENGL 101 or ENGL 101H

This course reviews the major concepts, definitions, and features of co-occurring mental health disorders associated with addiction. Skills in recognizing co-occurring disorders, referral and case management of clients, and appropriate scope of practice are emphasized. Common types of mental health issues associated with addiction, including mood, anxiety, and adjustment disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and unresolved issues of childhood abuse, are covered as well as an overview of appropriate treatment and management approaches.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 132  3 Units  
Diverse Populations  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: READ 100 and ENGL 101 or ENGL 101H

This course explores the cultural impact of race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, age, socio-economic status, and religion on substance use and access to treatment. The course will provide exposure to the fundamentals of cross-cultural counseling of individuals and families with substance use disorders, and common cultural barriers to traditional dependency counseling are examined.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 133  3 Units  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: HUMSV 130

The biological impact of alcoholism and other drug dependencies, with an emphasis on the treatment and recovery processes, and the role of medical professionals as members of the recovery team are reviewed in this course.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 134  3 Units  
Family Dynamics of Addiction  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: READ 100 and ENGL 101 or ENGL 101H

This course offers an overview of family dynamics associated with alcoholism and drug addiction; the impact of the diseases on family members; family oriented approaches to recovery; and the reintegration of the family into the community.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 135  3 Units  
Prevention, Intervention and Recovery  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: READ 100 and ENGL 101 or ENGL 101H

This course provides a comprehensive overview of theories and strategies for the prevention of substance use disorders. Primary, secondary, and tertiary and evidence-based prevention models will be introduced and assessed. Prevention programs and activities appropriate for the community, school, parents and family, and work-sites will be covered. Strategies such as education, public policies, media/information dissemination, ethnic, cultural, and gender-specific approaches, environmental risk reduction, and alternatives will be presented and assessed for their application to different target populations.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 136  3 Units  
Addiction Studies: Basic Counseling I  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Prerequisite: HUMSV 130 and HUMSV 179

This course is designed for students seeking a certificate in Addiction Studies. Included topics are the dynamics of the helping relationship, analysis and implications of common characteristics of substance dependent individuals, demonstration and practice of assessment, interviewing and referral techniques; and review of counseling skills and case management.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 137  3 Units  
Addiction Studies: Group Counseling II  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Prerequisite: HUMSV 136 and HUMSV 230 and HUMSV 232

This course is designed for students seeking a certificate in Addiction Studies, and includes practical implications and experience in various recovery and crisis intervention modalities; investigation of and experience in group dynamics; analysis and interpretation of critical aspects of counseling; analysis of the role of significant others in the recovery process; discussion of current treatment interventions; and the process of case management and record keeping.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 140  3 Units  
Case Management in Public Service  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: READ 100 or ENGL 101 or ENGL 101H

This course provides an overview of the history, theories, skills and knowledge of case management in public social service settings. Topics include organizational structure, funding streams, regulatory issues, job descriptions, skills, personal qualities, evaluation, assessment and referral, employment services, and career paths. It is designed for students entering into the field of case management in public service.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 147  3 Units  
Career Specialist  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: READ 100 and ENGL 101 or ENGL 101H

This course provides an introduction to the field of career counseling including interviewing techniques, assessment tools, job opportunities and models for developing occupational options.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 167  3 Units  
Crisis Intervention  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: READ 100 or ENGL 101 or ENGL 101H

The course examines the history and definitions of crisis intervention. Practical application of intervention theories and models, interviewing techniques, referral procedures, and assessment are explained and demonstrated. Analysis of types of crises such as suicide, substance abuse and violence in the workplace; common dangers; and coping methods will be presented. Professional issues including legal and ethical issues, confidentiality, cultural sensitivity and burn out are also covered.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 170  3 Units  
Introduction to Social Work and Human Services  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: ENGL 101 or ENGL 101H

An introduction to the social work and human service professions and social welfare within American society. Study of the history of social work and human services, roles and responsibilities of the social worker and a human service practitioner, including professional code of ethics governing these professions, the principles of social work practice and theoretical perspectives of human services in response to social problems. To build an appreciation of diversity and an understanding of marginalized and under-privileged and under-served populations in our society.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 172  3 Units  
Group and Family Dynamics  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: READ 100 or ENGL 101 or ENGL 101H

This course offers a comprehensive study of the dynamics operating in groups and families including the identification of healthy versus dysfunctional groups/families; methods of intervention in dysfunctional groups/families; and the techniques of facilitating treatment groups.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 173  3 Units  
Helping and Interpersonal Skills  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: READ 100 or ENGL 101 or ENGL 101H

This course offers a practical study of helping strategies and interpersonal skills. The focus is on the use of techniques to improve communication, better evaluate relationships, and resolve conflicts.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 179  3 Units  
Law and Ethics  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: READ 100 and ENGL 101 or ENGL 101H

This course explores the legal, ethical, professional and personal issues involved in the treatment of substance use disorder. Emphasis is placed on professional responsibility and patient rights as well as issues of the work place and professional growth.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 195A  1 Unit  
Social Work and Human Services Seminar I  

Lecture: 18 contact hours

Prerequisite: HUMSV 170 and HUMSV 172 and HUMSV 173 and HUMSV 179

Corequisite: HUMSV 198C

This course provides students participating in a supervised field experience in a community organization, agency, or institution with weekly class meetings that provide the academic element to the experiential course offering. Students will learn and identify applied strategies for crisis intervention, case analysis, and therapeutic interventions while giving them the opportunity to develop skills that will facilitate gaining employment in social work settings or human service fields.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 195B  1 Unit  
Human Services: Intern Seminar II  

Lecture: 18 contact hours

Corequisite: HUMSV 198C or HUMSV 198D or HUMSV 198F

This course provides an evaluation and application of applied strategies for crisis intervention, case analysis, and therapeutic interventions, and serves as a lecture-based foundation for student field work. STUDENTS MUST ALSO TAKE THE WORK EXPERIENCE CLASS THAT MATCHES THEIR CERTIFICATE GOAL (HUMSV 198 A-Z).

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 198C  2 Units  
Social Work and Human Services Fieldwork I  

WRKEX: 120 contact hours

Prerequisite: HUMSV 170 and HUMSV 172 and HUMSV 173 and HUMSV 179

Corequisite: HUMSV 195A

This course offers students supervised field experience in a community organization, agency, or institution, allowing the student to apply knowledge and learn new skills outside of the classroom environment. This course is designed to provide the student with an opportunity to observe, practice, and develop skills that would facilitate gaining employment in social work settings or human services fields.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 198D  2.5 Units  
Human Services Fieldwork II  

WRKEX: 150 contact hours

Prerequisite: HUMSV 198C

Corequisite: HUMSV 195A or HUMSV 195B

This course provides supervised field work in the area of Human Services at specific agencies. Students work in their assigned agencies for approximately 10 hours per week.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 198F  2.5 Units  
Case Management Fieldwork  

WRKEX: 150 contact hours

Prerequisite: HUMSV 140 and HUMSV 167 and HUMSV 170 or HUMSV 173

Advisory: HUMSV 195A or HUMSV 195B

Supervised field work in the area of case management at specific agencies is provided to students. Students work in their assigned agencies for approximately 10 hours per week.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 230  1 Unit  
Addiction Studies: Internship Seminar I  

Lecture: 18 contact hours

Corequisite: HUMSV 232

This course is an introduction to the duties and work objectives of counselors in addiction studies and related fields. Basic skills are developed through discussion and demonstration. This course serves as a lecture-based support for students in fieldwork.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 231  1 Unit  
Addiction Studies: Internship Seminar II  

Lecture: 18 contact hours

Corequisite: HUMSV 233

This course reviews job skills such as case management, assessment, and counseling. These skills are monitored and enhanced through class discussion and demonstration in this lecture-based foundation to the student field work.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 232  2.5 Units  
Addiction Studies: Fieldwork I  

WRKEX: 150 contact hours

Corequisite: HUMSV 230

This course provides supervised field work in the areas of orientation, screening, goal setting and evaluation, and the beginning techniques of alcohol and drug counseling at specific agencies. Students work in their assigned agencies for approximately 10 hours per week.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 233  2.5 Units  
Addiction Studies: Fieldwork II  

WRKEX: 150 contact hours

Corequisite: HUMSV 231

This course provides supervised field work in the areas of on the job skills such as treatment planning, intake and assessment and facilitation of groups in the field of alcohol and drug counseling at specific agencies. Students work in their assigned agencies for approximately 10 hours per week.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 281AXZ  1-3 Units  
Selected Studies in Alcohol/Drug  

Lecture: 18 contact hours

This experimental course explores addictions in the areas of Human Services, Alcohol/Drug Counseling, Mental Health, Human Development, and Corrections. Suggested subjects include codependency, driving under the influence, co-occurring disorders, tobacco addiction, and assessment instruments, etc.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

HUMSV 601  Noncredit  
Family Violence  

Lecture: 36 contact hours

This noncredit course provides a study of historical, psychological, sociological, and legal aspects of violence within the family system through the perspective of the helping professions with a sensitivity to ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and marginalized communities. This course will explore interventions, and referral of families experiencing violence.