Academic Success Centers

Hours: Varies by semester. Please see our website for current hours and tutor schedules.
Locations: Tutoring Center (TC) LA 206
Phone Numbers: 909-384-8589 (TC)

The services provided by the Academic Success Center is here to help you succeed at San Bernardino Valley College by providing academic support, tutoring, and Supplemental Instruction (SI) in multiple subjects to a diverse group of learners. We take special care to empower students with learning strategies and skills needed to become independent learners on the path towards academic success!

Distance Education - Online Learning


San Bernardino Valley College is one of the top online Community Colleges to attend in California. With a robust variety of classes to take online, within a broad spectrum of offered degrees and certificates, students have more access to achieve their goals. Courses are offered in a variety of different formats including exclusively online (both asynchronous and synchronous), hybrid, and hyflex models. Online courses require access to a computer system with an internet connection, and may have meetings on campus. Students taking an online course should refer to the schedule for individual course format, as well as the Universal Access Point (UAP) for specific course requirements. Fees and academic credits are the same as equivalent traditional classroom courses.

Guided Pathways

Every California Community College is implementing “Guided Pathways”, an equity-focused framework that allows us to forge clear paths for students and remove systemic obstacles to their success. Guided Pathways is a structure to provide all students with clear enrollment avenues, course-taking patterns, and support services. This framework centers the student experience in system-wide decision making and helps us meet the goals of the Vision for Success and Call to Action. At San Bernardino Valley College, our Guided Pathways means our students should be able to enroll with confidence and move through their educational experience with clear pathways and few obstacles.


Phone Number: (909) 384-4448

The SBVC Library provides resources that equitably serve students, faculty, and staff in a safe environment, both in-person and online. 

The library houses a collection of over 70,000 books and magazines to support the curricular and research needs of students.

The library's databases can be accessed via the OneSearch bar on the library homepage and on the Databases & Research Guides page. The library has a large online collection of ebooks, articles (scholarly, academic, peer-reviewed), magazines, newspapers, film and video, reference books, dissertations, and more. The OneSearch bar searches many of the databases at one time, while the Databases and Research Guides page provides direct access to databases based on subject and type of resource. There are links to a short video and search tips to help students jump into research.

Faculty librarians provide research assistance on campus and online. Students, faculty, and staff can visit the library reference desk or use 24/7 Chat (from the library homepage) to work one-on-one with a librarian. The library also offers regular workshops and orientations tailored for classes and student groups.

The library also houses a large computer lab for currently enrolled students. Printers and photocopiers are available at a minimal charge. Computer Technicians are available to provide basic technical support, and friendly Library staff assist patrons at the Circulation Desks. Individual and small group study areas are located throughout the building. 

Hours of operation and additional information about the services offered are located at  

Mathematics, Engineering, and Science Achievement (MESA) Program

Location: Physical Science (PS) 121
Phone Number: (909) 384-4463

The Mathematics, Engineering, and Science Achievement (MESA) program supports students pursuing science, engineering, and mathematics degrees requiring the completion of calculus or higher math courses. It is a rigorous academic program that builds an academic peer community to increase student support and motivation. MESA produces a diverse population of transfer-ready students who will continue their educational journeys in four-year institutions and successfully attain math, engineering, and science degrees. MESA members benefit from academic and career counseling throughout the year, academic and leadership workshops, field trips, transfer preparation, scholarship application support, opportunities to develop professional relationships with faculty and peers, and help finding and applying to summer research and internship opportunities.

Middle College High School Program

Location of High School: 1260 W Esperanza St, San Bernardino, CA 92410
Middle College High School: (909) 888-4041
Location of Program Office at SBVC: North Hall (NH) 139
SBVC Phone Number: (909) 384-4431

Middle College High School is one of the top-performing schools in the Inland Empire and California. Middle College made its debut in San Bernardino in 2001 as an alternative educational experience for students who were not working to their full potential. The program serves many students who are first in their families to go to college or are considered underserved minorities. Located adjacent to San Bernardino Valley College, students take high school courses in the morning and college courses during the day and/or evenings. Students have the opportunity to work towards a goal of achieving their high school diploma alongside obtaining credits to apply towards their Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) as well achieving an associate degree. The school serves up to 300 students in 9th through 12th grade, all who are selected from the San Bernardino City Unified School District. The students engage in application and lottery process in order to be selected to the program. The program itself is designed to create an environment where students thrive academically and develop a keen sense of responsibility as both college and high school students.

Noncredit Programs

Location: Liberal Arts (LA) 204E
Phone Number: (909) 387-1644

The noncredit program offers noncredit courses and certificates that are tuition free but may have some cost associated with fees, cost of textbooks or materials. These courses often serve as a entry point for students who are learning to navigate higher education, as well as a transition point to prepare students for credit instruction and the workforce. Courses focus on skill attainment, not grades or units. Courses and certificates are currently offered in ESL, Math, and Career Technical Education.

STEM Program

Location: Physical Science (PS) 138 and 140
Phone Number: (909) 384-4463

The STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Program is housed under the Student Success Center. The program is designed to assist low income and other traditionally underrepresented students and prepare them to pursue diverse careers in various STEM fields. It assists students in Math and Science courses and prepares them to transfer to four-year universities. The benefits of this program include: scholarships, specialized workshops, STEM events, field trips, and mentoring.

The benefits of the program include:

  • Petition-Granted Accelerated Math Cohort Courses (095-102, 103-151)
  • S-STEM Scholarships to CSUSB
  • Specialized Workshops, Events, and Fieldtrips
  • Instructor led Ted-Talks and Math and Science Mentors
  • Dedicated Counseling for STEM Majors
  • Mid-term and Final Pizza Study Jams

Supplemental Instruction (SI) Across the Disciplines


Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an academic assistance program that utilizes peer-assisted study sessions. SI sessions are regularly scheduled, informal review sessions in which students compare notes, discuss readings, develop organizational tools, and predict test items. Students learn how to integrate course content and study skills while working together. The sessions are facilitated by SI Leaders. SI Leaders are students who have previously done well in the course and who attend all class lectures, take notes, and act as model students. 

SI sessions may be held in person and/or online.

Students should:

  • Check with your instructor to confirm that you have an SI Leader in your class.
  • Consult the associated class Canvas page for SI Session Zoom link information.

Visit the department website for additional information on the SI Program.

Valley Now!

The Valley Now! Program is a dual enrollment program that allows students from participating local high schools take college-level courses and accelerate their educational achievement. Valley Now! students earn credit towards high school graduation, while at the same time earning college credits.  In most cases, college fees and textbook costs are either waived by San Bernardino Valley College or paid by the student’s high school – which means that students can participate at absolutely no cost to them. All services available to regular college students, such as use of the Library and Student Success Center, are also available to Valley Now! students.

In order to increase accessibility for our high school population, most Valley Now! courses are conveniently offered online or at participating high school campus (unless otherwise noted).  Students must meet the eligibility requirements for dual enrollment students as outlined by the Admissions and Records Office. 

Courses offered through the Valley Now! program vary by semester.  For more information, contact the Valley Now! Program office at (909) 384-4467 or at

Writing Center

Location: Liberal Arts (LA) 201
Phone Number: (909) 384-4464

The Writing Center helps students at all levels and from all disciplines to improve their writing skills.  The center houses an experienced staff of writing tutors who are available for one-on-one writing conferences with students in person or online.  In addition, the Writing Center offers workshops through the year for both mainstream and English language learners that focus on various aspects of the writing process.  Visit the Writing Center webpage to learn more about the services that the Writing Center offers.    

Zero Textbook Cost Degree Program (Z Degree)

Location: Physical Science (PS) 116
Phone Number: (909) 384-8653

Zero Textbook Cost Degree Program (Z Degree) is one of the Open Educational Resources (OER) initiatives to improve teaching, learning and accessibility for all learners at California Higher Education institutions. San Bernardino Valley College is one of 20 California Community Colleges to be awarded the Implementation Phase II RFA for 2017/2018. The Z Degree Pathway is earned entirely by completing courses that eliminate conventional textbook costs by using alternative instructional materials and methodologies, including open educational resources (OER) (Definition by CA Education Code Section 78052(a)).

This program is designed to improve student success by providing students access to a textbook-free Associate of Arts (AA) degree in Liberal Arts with an emphasis in Social and Behavioral Sciences. The course sections in this AA degree exclusively use digital or other instructional materials that are free of charge. However, low-cost options for print versions may also be available, based on student preference. In addition, a dedicated counselor will provide academic support and resources to assist students in successful degree completion. Please refer to the Liberal Arts - Social and Behavioral Science Associate of Arts Degree for program requirements.