AB 705

Assembly Bill 705, which took effect on January 1, 2018, requires a community college district or college to maximize the probability that the student will enter and complete transfer-level coursework in English and Math within a one-year time frame. Colleges are required to use high school coursework, high school grades, and high school grade point averages as a means of placement into English and Math courses. Please consult with a counselor for additional information. See AB-705 website for additional information.

Application Procedures

  1. All new and returning students must apply online at: www.valleycollege.edu.
  2. Transcripts of prior work:
    Students must have official transcripts of all college work not completed at San Bernardino Valley College sent to the Admissions and Records Office if planning to attend. If the student does not submit an application, the transcript will be destroyed.
  3. Orientation/Guided Self-Placement/Assessment/Advisement:
    All new students are required to participate in Orientation and Assessment unless specifically exempted from this process. When submitting an application for admission, applicants will receive an SBVC student ID number and will need to complete a Student Orientation Session and the Guided Self-Placement Process.

Student Orientation Session

College is quite unfamiliar to first semester college students. Orientation to college will dispel most of these unfamiliarity’s about SBVC. Through orientation, students will understand course offerings and services including expectations, college life and responsibilities, as well as, the college culture.

The Student Orientation Session can be completed online or on campus during peak registration.

  • For online session, visit the Self-Service website or
  • Make an onsite appointment for group session in the Assessment Center (AD/SS 101).

Guided Self-Placement Process

Students completing the Matriculation Process can now receive both math and English placement in about 10 minutes using the Guided Self Placement (GSP) Tool. Clicking on the link below will direct you to your WebAdvisor Student Portal where you can complete a short questionnaire for initial Math and English placement.  Once you log into WebAdvisor, you will need to click the (Online Placement SBVC) link in order to complete the Guided Self-Placement questionnaire.

Direct Link: Self-Service
Average completion time for GSP is about 5 - 10 minutes.

SBVC uses an online Guided Self-Placement questionnaire in place of assessment. The questionnaire is primarily used to assist students in the following:

  • Identify skill levels in English, Reading, and Math.
  • Meet class prerequisite requirements.
  • Choose appropriate classes.
  • Develop student educational plan.

New students are required to meet with a counselor for an education plan prior to registering for classes. Visit the Counseling Center for more information.

Student Exemption

Students may be exempt from the Guided Self-Placement questionnaire/assessment if they:

  • Received a grade of “C” or better in a prerequisite English course at the college level.
  • Received a grade of “C” or better in a prerequisite Math course at the college level.

Students may be exempt from completing the Guided Self-Placement questionnaire/assessment if they meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Associate Degree or higher from a regionally accredited college or university;
  • Earned a score of 3.0 or higher in Advanced Placement Tests in English and math;
  • Enroll in courses to achieve or maintain certificate or license requirements which do not require math, reading, or English prerequisites;
  • Enroll in courses for personal enrichment, which do not require Math, Reading, or English prerequisites. A maximum of 12 units may be taken prior to Assessment.

For the determination of your exemption, please speak with a Counselor.

Policy on the Guided Self-Placement Process/Assessment

All students entering San Bernardino Valley College are required to complete the Guided Self-Placement questionnaire/ ESL assessment process unless exempted. Students may NOT retake the Guided Self-Placement questionnaire unless recommended by the department chair or division dean or recommended by the Student Policy and Scholastic Standards Committee in accordance with the exemption permitted by the SBVC Policy on the Guided Self-Placement/ESL Assessment. Students who retake the Guided Self-Placement will be advised that the most current results will supersede all other results.

Students may satisfy the prerequisite for English, math, and reading through: Completing the Guided Self-Placement questionnaire/ESL assessment process. Satisfactory completion of the prerequisite course. Previously enrolled high school students can retake the Guided Self-Placement questionnaire after they have graduated.

Here are questions students most often ask about the guided self-placement questionnaire/assessment:

Q. Why complete the Guided Self-Placement questionnaire/assessment?

A. The Guided Self-Placement questionnaire is designed to assist in the process of guiding students in proper English, Reading, and Math transfer level courses. During the Orientation/Advisement session following the completion of the Guided Self-Placement questionnaire, students will be introduced to the college's services. After the Guided Self-Placement questionnaire is processed, the counselor will assist in selecting appropriate courses for the semester.

Q. If I do not do well with the Guided Self-Placement questionnaire/assessment, will I still be able to attend San Bernardino Valley College?

A. Yes. This is not a pass/fail exam. It is a tool to help students and counselors make appropriate educational plans.

Q. How long will it take to complete the Guided Self-Placement questionnaire/assessment?

A. Approximately five to ten minutes.

Q. What if I need disability-related accommodations to complete the Guided Self-Placement questionnaire/assessment?

A. If a student has a learning or physical disability that requires reasonable accommodation to complete the questionnaire, please contact Student Accessibility Services (SAS) in AD/SS 105.

Q. Do other colleges require students to complete a Guided Self-Placement Process?

A. Yes. Every community college in California is required to allow all new students to self-select what level of English, Reading, and Math they begin with.

Q. Does a counselor discuss my Guided Self-Placement results?

A. Yes. Counselors are the best resource to tell students how to interpret placement skills.