MATH 102  4 Units  
College Algebra  

Lecture: 72 contact hours

Prerequisite: Eligibility for college level Mathematics based on the SBVC Guided-Self Placement process.

This course is designed for students with a strong foundation in algebra. It includes the study of polynomial rational functions and inequalities, exponential and logarithmic functions, conics, systems of nonlinear equations and inequalities, and an introduction to sequences, series, and the Binomial Theorem.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

C-ID: MATH 150/151

MATH 103  4 Units  
Plane Trigonometry  

Lecture: 72 contact hours

Prerequisite: Eligibility for college level Mathematics based on the SBVC Guided-Self Placement process.

This course provides a study of trigonometric functions, identities, trigonometric equations, periodicity, graphs of trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions, solving right triangles, solving triangles using the Law of Cosines and Law of Sines, polar coordinates, and an introduction to vectors.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

C-ID: MATH 851

MATH 106  3 Units  
Mathematical Concepts for Elementary School Teachers  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Prerequisite: Completion of intermediate algebra or appropriate college-level placement based on the SBVC Guided-Self Placement process.

This course focuses on the development of quantitative reasoning skills through in-depth, integrated exploration of topics in mathematics, including real number systems and subsystems. Emphasis on comprehension and analysis of mathematical concepts and applications of logical reasoning. This course is designed for future elementary school teachers.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

MATH 108  4 Units  
Introduction to Probability and Statistics  

Lecture: 72 contact hours

Prerequisite: Completion of intermediate algebra or appropriate college-level placement based on the SBVC Guided-Self Placement process.

This course is an introduction to probability, descriptive and inferential statistics, with applications to the natural sciences, life science, health science, education, business, economics, and the behavioral sciences.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

C-ID: MATH 110

MATH 108H  4 Units  
Introduction to Probability and Statistics - Honors  

Lecture: 72 contact hours

Prerequisite: Completion of intermediate algebra or appropriate college-level placement based on the SBVC Guided-Self Placement process.

This course is an introduction to probability, descriptive and inferential statistics, with applications to the natural sciences, life science, health science, education, business, economics, and the behavioral sciences. This course includes content and experiences appropriate for students wishing to earn honors credit. This course is intended for students in the Honors Program, but is open to all students who desire more challenging course work.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

MATH 115  3 Units  
Ideas of Mathematics  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Prerequisite: Eligibility for college level Mathematics based on the SBVC Guided-Self Placement process.

This course includes sets, propositional logic, inductive reasoning and applications, mathematical patterns, counting methods, and finite probability spaces.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

MATH 120  4 Units  
Mathematical Financial Planning  

Lecture: 72 contact hours

Prerequisite: Eligibility for college level Mathematics based on the SBVC Guided-Self Placement process.

Learn the fundamentals of personal financial planning. This is a course designed to help students plan their financial life from student loans to retirement and investment strategies. Topics include credit management strategies, loan evaluation, buying and leasing automobiles, buying a house, investing and portfolios, insurance, taxes, and retirement planning. All topics developed through rigorous quantitative and mathematical applications in linear, algebraic, exponential, and logarithmic functions, sequences, series, and an introduction to portfolio risk analysis. Use of technology and financial calculators for financial planning.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

MATH 141  4 Units  
Business Calculus  

Lecture: 72 contact hours

Prerequisite: Eligibility for college level Mathematics based on the SBVC Guided-Self Placement process.

Advisory: MATH 102

This course is a study of calculus techniques with emphasis placed on concepts related to business and management solutions. Additional applications of derivatives and integrals of functions including polynomials, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions are studied.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

MATH 151  4 Units  

Lecture: 72 contact hours

Prerequisite: MATH 102 and MATH 103 or placement into MATH 151 based on the SBVC Guided-Self Placement process.

This course is designed for students preparing to take Calculus. It deepens students’ understanding of algebra and trigonometry by building on topics from College Algebra and Plane Trigonometry, both of which are foundational for Calculus students. Topics include polynomials, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions and their graphs, systems of linear and nonlinear equations and inequalities, partial fraction decomposition, parametric and polar equations, and an introduction to limits.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

MATH 180  4 Units  
Introduction to Data Science  

Lecture: 72 contact hours

Prerequisite: Completion of intermediate algebra or appropriate college-level placement based on the SBVC Guided-Self Placement process.

Introductory course on data collection and management, data manipulation, data modeling, statistical inference, and statistical modeling with data. Students will gain experience using a computer programming language (e.g. Python, R, etc.) to carry out statistical analysis.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

MATH 222  1-3 Units  
Independent Study in Mathematics  

DIR: 54 contact hours

Prerequisite: Eligibility for college level Mathematics based on the SBVC Guided-Self Placement process.

Students with previous course work in mathematics may do assigned projects involving research and analysis of selected topics. This independent study is for students who are interested in furthering their knowledge of mathematics. Prior to registration, a written contract must be jointly prepared by the instructor and the student.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

MATH 250  4 Units  
Single Variable Calculus I  

Lecture: 72 contact hours

Prerequisite: MATH 151 or placement into MATH 250 based on the SBVC Guided-Self Placement process.

This is a first course in calculus, including limits, continuity, derivatives of algebraic and transcendental functions, applications of derivatives, antiderivatives, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, definite integrals and their applications.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

C-ID: MATH 211/900S

MATH 251  4 Units  
Single Variable Calculus II  

Lecture: 72 contact hours

Prerequisite: MATH 250 or placement into MATH 251 based on the SBVC Guided-Self Placement process.

This second course in calculus provides further application of definite integrals, differentiation and integration of transcendental functions, techniques of integration, L’Hopital’s rule and improper integrals, infinite sequences and series, Taylor and power series, polar and parametric equations.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

C-ID: MATH 221/900S

MATH 252  5 Units  
Multivariable Calculus  

Lecture: 90 contact hours

Prerequisite: MATH 251

This third course in calculus includes vectors, lines, and simple surfaces in three-dimensional space, some linear algebra topics, vector-valued functions, partial derivatives, multiple integrals, line integrals and Green's Theorem, surface integrals and the theorems of Gauss and Stokes.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

C-ID: MATH 230

MATH 265  4 Units  
Linear Algebra  

Lecture: 72 contact hours

Prerequisite: MATH 250

This course develops the techniques and theory needed to solve and classify systems of linear equations. Techniques that are covered include row operations, Gaussian elimination, and the algebra of matrices. The course explores the properties of vectors in n dimensions, which leads to the notion of an abstract vector space. The theory of vector spaces and matrices are introduced, and the topics include inner products, norms, orthogonality, eigenvalues, eigenspaces, and linear transformations. Applications of linear algebra are included.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

C-ID: MATH 250/910S

MATH 266  4 Units  
Ordinary Differential Equations  

Lecture: 72 contact hours

Prerequisite: MATH 251

Advisory: MATH 252

The course is an introduction to ordinary differential equations including both quantitative and qualitative methods as well as applications from a variety of disciplines. Introduces the theoretical aspects of differential equations, including establishing when solution(s) exist, and techniques for obtaining solutions, including, series solutions, and singular points, Laplace transforms and linear systems.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

C-ID: MATH 240/910S

MATH 601  Noncredit  
Independent Lab for Fundamental Mathematical Skills  

Lab: 54 contact hours

This noncredit course is offered as a study or review of the fundamental concepts of arithmetic, prealgebra, beginning algebra, and intermediate algebra as appropriate based on individual student needs. The course is intended for students who need to refresh their math skills prior to taking a college level math course.
MATH 602  Noncredit  
Support for College Algebra  

Lab: 54 contact hours

Corequisite: MATH 102

This noncredit course is a review of the prerequisite skills essential for college algebra. This course includes a review of topics covered in elementary and intermediate algebra as appropriate, based on individual student needs. The course is intended for students who need to refresh their math skills while enrolled in a college algebra math course to be used for just in time remediation.
MATH 608  Noncredit  
Support for Introductory Statistics  

Lab: 54 contact hours

Corequisite: MATH 108

This noncredit course is a review of the prerequisite skills essential for statistics. This course includes a review of topics covered in arithmetic and algebra as appropriate, based on individual student needs. The course is intended for students who need to refresh their math skills while enrolled in an introductory statistics course to be used for just in time remediation.
MATH 650  Noncredit  
Support for Calculus  

Lab: 54 contact hours

Corequisite: MATH 250

This noncredit course is a review of the prerequisite skills essential for calculus. The course includes a review of topics covered in college algebra and trigonometry as appropriate, based on individual student needs. The course is intended for students who need to refresh their math skills while enrolled in a calculus course to be used for just in time remediation.
MATH 651  Noncredit  
Support for Precalculus  

Lab: 36 contact hours

Corequisite: MATH 151

This noncredit course is a review of the prerequisite skills essential for precalculus. This course includes a review of topics covered in elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, college algebra, and trigonometry as appropriate, based on individual student needs. The course is intended for students who need to refresh their math skills while enrolled in a precalculus math course to be used for just in time remediation.