ECON 100  3 Units  
Introduction to Economics  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

This course is an entry-level, general education course which introduces and surveys basic macroeconomic, microeconomic, and personal finance principles. This course emphasizes the causes and consequences of the business cycle on output, employment, and prices as well as, basic supply and demand analysis across different market structures. Analysis further includes the role of the government in the macro-economy and the micro-economy.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

ECON 200  3 Units  
Principles of Macroeconomics  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: Eligibility for college level English and Mathematics based on the SBVC Guided-Self Placement process.

This course provides an introduction to macroeconomic theory and the role of fiscal and monetary policies in economics with special emphasis on national economic problems, aggregate measures of economic activity, macroeconomic equilibrium, financial institutions, economic growth, the business cycle and international economics.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

C-ID: ECON 202

ECON 200H  3 Units  
Principles of Macroeconomics - Honors  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Prerequisite: Eligibility for college level English and Mathematics based on the SBVC Guided-Self Placement process.

This course provides an introduction to macroeconomic theory and the role of fiscal and monetary policies in economics with special emphasis on national economic problems, aggregate measures of economic activity, macroeconomic equilibrium, economic growth, the business cycle, financial institutions and international economics. This course is intended for students in the Honors Program but is open to all students who desire more challenging coursework.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

C-ID: ECON 202

ECON 201  3 Units  
Principles of Microeconomics  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: Eligibility for college level English and Mathematics based on the SBVC Guided-Self Placement process.

This course provides an introduction to microeconomic theory, including economic development, international economics, and comparative economic systems with special emphasis on microeconomic problems such as the provisioning of public goods and environmental regulations.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

C-ID: ECON 201

ECON 201H  3 Units  
Principles of Microeconomics - Honors  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Prerequisite: Eligibility for college level English and Mathematics based on the SBVC Guided-Self Placement process.

This course provides an introduction to microeconomic theory, including economic development, international economics, and comparative economic systems with special emphasis on microeconomic problems such as the provisioning of public goods and environmental regulations. This course is intended for students in the Honors Program but is open to all students who desire more challenging coursework.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

C-ID: ECON 201

ECON 208  4 Units  
Business and Economic Statistics  

Lecture: 72 contact hours

Prerequisite: Eligibility for college level Mathematics based on the SBVC Guided-Self Placement process.

This course is a study of statistical methods commonly used in business and economics including measures of central tendency; measures of dispersion and skewness; probability concepts and distributions; statistical inferences; parametric and non-parametric hypothesis testing; index numbers time series analysis; simple regression, and correlation analysis.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

C-ID: MATH 110