BUSAD 039  3 Units  
Strategies for Successful Employment  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: CIT 010

This course is designed to help students develop the skills needed to successfully seek employment by using strategies to identify skills and search for a job, interview for a job, and acquire a job, while preparing to become a member of a diverse workforce.

Associate Degree Applicable

BUSAD 050  3 Units  
Business Math  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

This course covers fundamental mathematical calculations and their application to business problems. Topics include payroll, pricing, interest and discount, commission, taxes, and other pertinent uses of mathematics in the field of business.

Associate Degree Applicable

BUSAD 098  1-4 Units  
Business Administration Work Experience  

WRKEX: 300 contact hours

Supervised training, in the form of on the job employment that will enhance the student's knowledge in the selected field of study. The student's major and job must match. For paid work, 75 hours = 1 unit; for volunteer work, 60 hours = 1 unit. Students may earn a total of 16 units toward graduation in Work Experience 098 courses. See department for specific guidelines.

Associate Degree Applicable

BUSAD 100  3 Units  
Introduction to Business  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: ENGL 101 or ENGL 101H

This course introduces the trends and opportunities in today's dynamic business environment as they relate to economics, global markets, ethics and social responsibility, business ownership forms, entrepreneurship, management responsibility, human resources management, marketing, operations, accounting, and financial management. Students gain important business context and discover business careers and educational opportunities.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

C-ID: BUS 110

BUSAD 103  3 Units  
Marketing Principles  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: ENGL 101 or ENGL 101H

This course studies the strategic marketing process, which creates value for consumers and organizations through integrated production and distribution of products. It examines the marketing process in the context of the global, cultural, economic, legal/regulatory environment. It also examines ethical and socially-responsible marketing and the impact of information technology.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

BUSAD 105  3 Units  
Small Business Management/Entrepreneurship  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: ENGL 101 or ENGL 101H

This is a course on how to start and operate a small business. Topics include facts about small business, essential management skills, how to prepare a business plan, financial needs, marketing strategies, and legal issues. This is a comprehensive examination of establishing and operating a small business in today’s dynamic business environment.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

BUSAD 106  3 Units  
Principles of Selling  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: ENGL 101 or ENGL 101H

This course covers the problems of analyzing the sales talk, making an adequate approach, meeting objectives, excuses, and techniques of closing the sale, and the psychology involved in selling services, goods, ideas and one's own personality.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

BUSAD 108  3 Units  
Personal Finance, Investments and Estate Planning  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Prerequisite: Eligibility for college level English and Mathematics based on the SBVC Guided-Self Placement process.

This course is an integrated approach to personal finance focusing on practical financial decision making as well as the social, psychological, and physiological contexts in which those decisions are made. The student will examine the preparation for managing one's personal finances and the opportunities and costs with making financial decisions.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

BUSAD 110  3 Units  
Human Resource Management  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: ENGL 101 or ENGL 101H

This course is a survey of the objectives, functions, and practices in the management of employee relations, and the impact of employee relations on the effective achievement of the organization's goals. Students will also analyze the steps needed to develop practices in creating a diverse and inclusive work environment.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

BUSAD 112  3 Units  
Principles of Retailing  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: ENGL 101 or ENGL 101H

This course will cover the role of retailing in serving and connecting the needs of diverse communities. The topics will include analysis of consumer needs, store locations, financial requirements, and legal processes of starting a retail operation, planning for store layout, merchandise mix, vendor negotiation, pricing, displaying, advertising, selling, and controlling of merchandise.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

BUSAD 120  3 Units  
Business Management/Leadership  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: ENGL 101 or ENGL 101H

This course is designed for business majors and examines the primary dimensions of the management process including planning, organizing, decision-making and controlling organizational activity within a diverse work force.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

BUSAD 127  3 Units  
Business Communication  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Prerequisite: ENGL 101 or ENGL 101H

This course is a study of the principles and role of business communication and the need for communication skills in interacting with diverse populations in a global marketplace. Emphasis is placed on written communications, including business letters, proposals, resumes and other business documents.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

C-ID: BUS 115

BUSAD 151  3 Units  
Human Relations  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: ENGL 101 or ENGL 101H

This course covers the business concepts of individual, group, and organizational human behavior as they affect human relations, performance, and productivity within the workplace. Strategies and techniques that influence communications, employee leadership and interactions among people—including cultural diversity and its impact—are explored.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

BUSAD 210  3 Units  
Business Law  

Lecture: 54 contact hours

Advisory: ENGL 101 or ENGL 101H

This course explores the legal environment in which business operates. It includes an introduction to law and legal reasoning, ethics, torts, strict and products liability, criminal law and contracts.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to both UC/CSU

C-ID: BUS 125

BUSAD 222  1-3 Units  
Independent Study in Business Administration  

DIR: 54 contact hours

Students with previous course work in Business Administration may do assigned projects involving research and analysis of selected topics. This independent study is for students who are interested in furthering their knowledge of Business Administration. Prior to registration, a written contract must be prepared jointly by the instructor and the student. See instructor for details.

Associate Degree Applicable

Transfers to CSU only

BUSAD 600  Noncredit  
Empowering Yourself in Pursuit of a Career in the Business World  

Lecture: 18 contact hours

This noncredit course is designed to help students identify their unique personal characteristics applicable in order to be competitive in today's business world. Students will be able to discover their job skills, personality types, core values, and fit for different organizational cultures while learning how to develop confidence and resilience during a job search process within the career fields of accounting, human resources, finance, marketing, information technology, operations management, or any other business-related field.
BUSAD 601  Noncredit  
Essential Writing Skills for Employment in the Business World  

Lecture: 18 contact hours

This noncredit course is designed to improve a job seeker’s success rate by teaching students how to update their job application skills in preparation to enter the business world. Topics include creating and or updating resumes, cover letters, and responding to the desired selection criteria within the identified business field to assure a higher success rate.
BUSAD 602  Noncredit  
Interview Skills for the Business World  

Lecture: 18 contact hours

This noncredit course provides essential job interview skills and helps students learn how to prepare for interviews in the business field, both in person and online. In this course, students will learn about how to prepare for, and be successful during a job interview by learning how to research into a company before practicing answering interview questions in both in-person and video format.
BUSAD 603  Noncredit  
Understanding the Hidden Job Market in the Business World  

Lecture: 16 contact hours

This noncredit course teaches students the key strategies for tapping into this hidden job market through networking. Many jobs in the business field are typically not advertised. Students will start to build an online network, learning the tips to become a successful networker, and putting their value proposition to work. We are already more connected than they might think and this course teaches the skills needed to unlock the hidden job market.
BUSAD 604  Noncredit  
Starting Work and Staying Employed in the Business World  

Lecture: 36 contact hours

This noncredit course is designed to help job seekers prepare for their first days and weeks at work. The business recruitment journey isn’t quite over after being offered a job and this course will help students understand the salary, benefits, and working conditions within a position in a company in order to create a solid foundation for career growth within the business field. Topics include reviewing dress codes, arrival tips, workplace behaviors, creating and maintaining positive workplace relationships, tips for remembering names, when to leave for the day, and how to ultimately keep a job.
BUSAD 611  Noncredit  
Skills for Leaders/Managers  

Lecture: 18 contact hours

This noncredit course will provide survival skills for new supervisors and those who aspire to move to managerial positions. Necessary skills of time management, leadership, planning, motivation, conducting meetings, communication, handling stress, conflict, and performance appraisals will be discussed. Students will be involved in a variety of management exercises, discussions, current trends in management, and real-world scenarios.
BUSAD 612  Noncredit  
Time Management Skills  

Lecture: 18 contact hours

This noncredit course will give students practical tips and tools to manage time in academic and business-related situations. Students will learn how to set short-term and long-term goals, prioritize goals and activities, develop plans, and overall organizing a workplace. Topics included will also help identify typical time wasters/time leaks (including procrastination), and ways of overcoming them.
BUSAD 613  Noncredit  
Dealing With Difficult People  

Lecture: 18 contact hours

This noncredit provides students with the practical techniques for resolving and preventing interpersonal conflicts in the workplace. Whether it’s a manager who keeps moving the goal posts, an uncooperative colleague, negative friend, or critical family member, some people are difficult to get along with and this course gives students the strategies to successfully work with them.
BUSAD 614  Noncredit  
Listening Skills  

Lecture: 18 contact hours

This noncredit course shows students how to acquire active, productive listening skills and put them to work in professional, social, and personal settings. Many managers and other employees spend most of their time listening to other people but often do it so poorly that the result is misunderstood instructions, misdirected projects, and erroneous actions, which oftentimes can be avoided by applying effective listening skills.
BUSAD 615  Noncredit  
Quality Customer Service  

Lecture: 18 contact hours

This noncredit course offers practical information and techniques to create excellent service to diverse customers. Emphasis will be on the many facets of customer service and how to address each facet successfully.
BUSAD 620  Noncredit  
Creating a Business Plan  

Lecture: 24 contact hours

In this noncredit course, students evaluate the many aspects and potential hurdles of the business and build the Business Plan, one step at a time. This practical, hands-on approach encourages students to immerse themselves in the vision and planning aspects of a business. Focusing on the most critical components of the Business Plan, and enables students to uncover hidden risks and assess a business from a marketing, management, and financial vantage point.
BUSAD 621  Noncredit  
Strategic Marketing for Entrepreneurs  

Lecture: 24 contact hours

This noncredit course provides an overview of successful marketing strategies for small start-up businesses. Students will learn to examine and analyze consumer behavior, identify target market segments, price for profitability, and select promotional tactics. The course emphasizes the integration of these marketing functions into an effective marketing plan.
BUSAD 622  Noncredit  
Funding and Financing for Entrepreneurs  

Lecture: 24 contact hours

This noncredit course will provide a practical application of basic financial management principles that apply to entrepreneurs. Emphasis is placed on developing useful financial information used in small businesses and business plans. Specifically, this will be accomplished by providing the tools necessary to maintain proper financial records to make budgetary decisions related to cash and financing needs, pricing of products or services, the payment of taxes and loans, and determining profitability to help students become successful entrepreneurs.
BUSAD 623  Noncredit  
Legal Issues for Entrepreneurs  

Lecture: 24 contact hours

This noncredit course provides students interested in entrepreneurship with an understanding of the common legal issues encountered from the perspective of the business owner. It reviews legal structures, intellectual property, employment law, contracts, government regulation, and personal and real property. Students will apply the concepts learned to select their business structure, learn contract law, properly navigate government regulations, and understand legal parameters related to the management of human resources.
BUSAD 624  Noncredit  
Accounting for Entrepreneurs  

Lecture: 24 contact hours

This noncredit course is an introductory study of the basic accounting required to manage the financial documentation related to running a small business. Emphasis is placed on the practical application of recording, summarizing, and reporting business transactions for internal purposes as well as for completing federal, state, and local reporting requirements.
BUSAD 625  Noncredit  
Leadership and Management for Entrepreneurs  

Lecture: 24 contact hours

This noncredit course explores the leadership and management issues entrepreneurs face as they create and establish successful new ventures. It reviews the key managerial roles of planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling and their application in entrepreneurial settings. Further, the course addresses self-management for the entrepreneur and how an entrepreneur can manage their own time and maintain a proper work-life balance.