Faculty/Professor Emeritus is a recognition bestowed by the Academic Senate to recognize our retiring academic colleagues for their service to the college, students, and peers; as well as an acknowledgment that their service will not be forgotten after they leave the college.

Adams, Kathryn - Child Development
Aguilar-Kitibutr, Ailsa -
Alblinger, Diane - English
Alexander, Horace - English
Anderson, Diana J. - English
Anderson, Willard - Accounting
Andriese, Jacob (Jack) - Music
Ashton, Judith - English
Atzet, Raymond - Architecture
Avila, Diana - Mathematics
Bastedo, David - Biology
Battle, Eileen F. - Nursing
Berry, Anita - Nursing
Berry, John W. - Art
Bruno, Frank - Psychology
Burningham, Robert - Communications
Burson, Thurmon - Career Center
Busselle, Carlos (Buzz) - Electronics
Chamberlain, Thomas K. - English
Clarke, William - Machine Trades
Cook, Carol - Biology
Cunningham, William E. - Astronomy
Dahlgren, Ingrid - Physical Education
Danley, Jay - Communication Studies
Diers, Cleon - Mathematics
Drewes, Glenn - Biology
Dulgeroff, James "JD" - Economics
Dusick, Diane - Radio, Television, and Film
Evans-Perry, Ginny - Library
Ferri-Milligan, Paula - English
Flanders, Jacqueline - Physical Education
Free, Sheela - English
Gamboa, Darlene - Biology
Gates, Dorothy L. - Sociology
Gomez, Laura - Counseling
Gordon, Esther H. - Child Development
Green, Jan - Health Services
Grutsis, Paul - Economics
Harmeyer, Arthur R. - Physics
Harvey, Robert A. - Biology/Botany
Hearn, Lily G. - English
Hunt, Sharon I. - Office Information Systems
Hunter, Diane - English
Ikeda, Mark - Biology
Jacobsen, Patricia - Reading
James, Henry A. - Computer Science
Kondor, Albert - Anthropology/German
Korzillius, Lillian L. - Family/Consumer Science
Lamore, Joel - English
Lanto, Enid G. - Library
Lardy, Leonard A. - English
Lawrence, David - Humanities
Lewis, Bennett H. - Data Processing
Lewis, John E. - Microbiology
Lopez, Frank - Aeronautics
Lysak, Michael - Physics
Malottke, Erna - Secretarial
Marquis, Jeanne - Counseling
Martin, Juliann - Child Development
Martin, Livio C. - Aeronautics
Mason, Dorothy M. - Nursing
Maul, Terry - Psychology
Mazzei, Gene - Physical Education
McKie, Bill - English
Mestas, Marie - Library and Learning Support Services
Michaelis, Kenneth - Biology
Mitchell, Jack - English
Moreno, Dolores - English
Neuhaus, Clemens - English
Newlee, Anne Georgie - Physical Education
Nunez, Ida - Nursing
Okamura, Judy - Chemistry
Olsen, John (Jack) - Anatomy/Physiology
Olson, John - Biology
Paszkiewicz, Robert - Psychiatric Technology
Perez, Edward - English
Peterson, Frank P. - Administration of Justice
Purkart, Susan A. - Reading/Study Skill
Rippy, Robert H. - English
Roberts, J. Lynn - Automotive
Runyon, Cynthia - Physical Education
Sandlin, Stephen - Geography
Scantlin, Dorothy - Nursing
Schall, Donald - Business Administration
Schmidt, Roger - Philosophy/Religious Studies
Scott, Tom - Physical Education
Scully, Madeline "Matie" Manning - Music
Segovia, Eloise M. - Counseling
Sherman, Sylvia J. - History
Shimoff, Susan - Family/Consumer Science
Shodahl, Susan A. - Psychology
Smedley, Ron - Physical Education
Smith, Bob - Physical Education
Smith, David - Mathematics
Smith, Joyce - Counseling
Smith, Loren E. - History
Smith, Princie D. - Psychiatric Technology
Stafford, Robert - Mathematics
Stanfill, Peg - Counselor
Staude, Laurie - English
Stoddard, Wayne - Physical Science
Sturgeon, Rita - Mathematics
Szumski, Edward J. - Electronics 
Thrasher, Marvin E. - Psychology
Tilton, Julie - English
Wall, Patti - Library
Whisler, Louise - Mathematics
Williams, Bruce G. - Automotive
Williams, Susan - Art
Wilson, Robert - Physics/Astronomy
Wright, Melvin L. - Business Administration/Business Math
Young, James E. - History/Religious Studies
Zaharopoulos, George - Political Science
Zepeda, Juan - Counseling
Zoumbos, Nickolas - Accounting